Hey guys, I thought a get to know me post would be fun considering you don't really know anything about me! I found the questions from a few different posts like this and made up some of my own. So follow along and get to know me! Even better, fill it out yourself for your own blog or let me know some of your answers in the comments below!
1. When's your birthday? August 20th
2. How many siblings do you have? One sister.
3. What did you study in school? I ended up with a Biology and Medieval Studies double major (which is a really long story) with minors in English and Psychology.
4. Favourite colour? Red.
5. Favourite song at the moment? I just discovered Savage by Whethan, Hold My Heart by Lindsey Stirling, and Stay by Zedd & Alessia Cara. Can't stop listening to the three of them on repeat.
6. Favourite movies? I always have a hard time answering this question. I can't choose one, but I've been really into the MCU lately.
7. Favourite TV shows? I actually watch way too many TV shows. My all-time favourite is Supernatural. But I also love Prison Break, Lost, The Walking Dead (and Fear the Walking Dead), Teen Wolf, BBC's Merlin, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and so many more!
8. Favourite books? The Harry Potter series, obviously. After that, there are way too many to list.
9. Favourite animal(s)? Wolves, horses, and tigers. I also think manatees are adorable. I really love all animals though . . . except spiders.
10. Do you have any pets? Two dogs, although only one of them is actually mine.
11. Favourite holiday? Christmas.
12. Favourite season? Summer for sure. I love hot weather.
13. Favourite places to travel? I've been to Orlando, Florida tons of times (mostly for Disney and Universal Studios). I was in New York City for a few days and absolutely loved it there too.
14. Favourite sport? To watch would definitely be hockey. To actually do myself would be horseback riding or swimming.
15. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 1. Anywhere in Europe. I love studying the Middle Ages so living anywhere in the area would be absolutely amazing. 2. New York City. 3. Hawaii or somewhere else really warm.
Want to know anything else? Post your questions in the comments below!
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